Grief From Cheating

Are you experiencing a lot of grief from cheating? This is a terrible type of pain that makes your whole body hurt. You can't eat. You can't sleep. You really can't function. The pain just won't go away. Worst yet, you don't know what to do to make it go away.

Not only are you in pain, but you are angry. No, actually mad as hell! You are mad at him for being an inconsiderate cheating unfaithful man. But, you are also mad at yourself for not knowing that he was cheating.

Your life involves so much pain and anger. It seems like the two will never go away. But, they will....eventually. It will take a lot of time, but the pain and anger will go away. For now, cry, cry and cry some more. You need to get all of these strange feelings out. If you hold them in, you will not heal. You will not get any better. I don't think that you want to feel this way for the rest of your life. So, yes, grieve for your cheater. In all practical senses, your past relationship has passed away.

Cry, get all of that horrible pain and destructive anger out of the way.

You will need your strength and a clear mind... for later.

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