How do you meet a man who does not cheat? Well, this may or may not be an impossibility. When you meet and begin dating a man, you don't know if he's going to be faithful. How could you? In addition to being a cheating man, he could be other things as well. At this point, cheating is the least of your worries. Get to know him first before you judge him. He may not be a cheating man.
You won't really know until you've been with your man for months , years or even decades. However, you should not let this stop you from dating and enjoying life. I had an ex co-worker that refused to get married because she believed that all men cheated. She saw her father cheat on her mother. Unfortunately, she held on to those painful memories. As a result, she was never able to enjoy or maintain a stable relationship. She always lived in fear that the current man in her life was going to cheat eventually.
Not all men cheat. A majority of them do, but not all men cheat. Be confident that you will find a faithful man that will always love and respect you. If you are still looking for Mr Right, don't assume that all men are going to cheat on you. You're going to drive yourself crazy.
Continue to use both your heart and mind when choosing your male companions. Let your friends help you to find suitable mates. Now, don't turn your nose up. Friends can provide a network of contacts that you may have normally overlooked.
The bottom line is that you have to have the right attitude about finding and meeting a man who does not cheat. You have to go into the relationship with the anticipation that he will not cheat. Although you don't have any control over his actions, you should not begin any relationship with a negative attitude. Find and meet Mr. Right or even Mr Only Right Now, but go into the encounter with a positive attitude. Don't create a problem if there isn't one.
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