Why Is He In Denial About His Cheating?

Why is he in denial about his cheating? Do you mean denial? Or, do you mean lying? I guess when it comes to this topic, the two are almost interchangeable. I guess there are two main reasons that a cheater is in denial about his own cheating ways.

I am going to give the unfaithful man the benefit of the doubt when it comes to the first reason. He is in denial about his cheating and lying to you. Why? He cheats and can't stop. Does this type of man still love you? Yes, he does love you. In his mind, he loves you and respects you, but he just can't stop cheating. In his world, no other woman will ever get the type of respect and love that he gives you. However, your definition of love and his definition of love are not the same. He loves you the best way that he knows how.

So, what does this have to do with his being in denial? As the saying goes, he doesn't want to do anything that hurts you. He was brought up to believe that "men handle their business in the streets, but take care of home." He is taking care of you. He is loving you. In order to do this, he has to remain in denial about his cheating and lie to you in the process.

You know, this is actually some of the stupidest logic that I have ever heard. However, unfortunately, it is a concept that is believed and practiced by many men. It sickens me to think that many men still believe this stuff.

Now, for reason number two, the outcome should not shock you. It is what it is. Your man is in denial about his cheating...just because. However, he isn't really in denial. He is actually lying to you. He wants to see what he can get away with and for how long. In this scenario, he is just barely holding on to the relationship. He may not even love you anymore. He's just riding out the tide until he has to give the gig up. When will it be up? Only you can answer this question. this.

Now that you know two of the possible reasons for why your cheating man is in denial, what are you going to do? Each reason is on separate ends of the spectrum. One, he loves you and the other he obviously does not. No matter the reason, he is still in denial about his cheating. Unfortunately, he is going to continue doing so until you stop him. If you don't put your foot down, he is going to continue lying to your face.

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