Unfortunately, like men, there are women who grew up around other family members that cheated. As a result, they are more inclined to accept cheating. Although life would be much easier for a cheating man if he married this particular type of woman, there are also other types of women that he can target as well.
The Woman With Low Self Esteem
This is usually the most perceived type of woman that a cheater is seeking. In this case, a cheating man gets away with his infidelity because his partner has low self esteem and feels like she doesn’t have any other options. She thinks that she can’t get a better caliber of man. For whatever reason, she just doesn’t think that she can do better when it comes to love and marriage. She sticks with her cheater.
A cheating man can easily detect low self esteem in this type of woman and uses it to his advantage. Why shouldn’t he? If a woman with low self esteem lets a cheater run all over her, then he is going to continue to do so. Contrary to belief, low self esteem does not mean fat, ugly or poor. A woman with self esteem can also be rich, beautiful and shapely. Don’t get the two confused.
The Woman With An Inflated Ego
This type of woman is the exact opposite of the woman with low self esteem. A woman with an inflated ego thinks that she is the planet’s gift to man. In her mind, a man would never be able to find anyone better than she is. So, why would he cheat? This type of woman thinks that her man would never cheat on her. As a result, she‘s so wrapped up in herself that she doesn’t notice that her man is into other women.
Because she is always working late, hanging with friends or family, this gives the cheating man plenty of time and space to pursue other women. Ironically, this type of woman constantly jokes with friends, family and co-workers about how well she has her man trained. The woman with the inflated ego believes that she is so beautiful and desirable that her man would never cheat on her. Wrong…he’s already on to his next conquest.

The Woman With A Gold Digging Heart
This is also one of the best types of women for a cheater to find. Find a woman that wants a man to pay all of her bills with no questions asked and you have found a woman that is a perfect victim for being cheated upon. The average man knows this. Toss her a few dollars and she will quietly go to the mall and shop. A cheating man knows that he can continue to see other woman because if his partner is a woman with a gold digging heart, she can be bought for the price of a designer handbag.
This type of woman tries to justify her cheating man’s behavior by saying that he is paying for his indiscretions, but really she is using his indiscretions to pay for her lavish lifestyle. She knows that her man is cheating, but really doesn’t care because he has the deep pockets to make her happy. This type of woman usually has to bring something to the table such as a beautiful body, sexual prowess or both. This type of woman is easy for a cheating man to find; however, the cheating man has to have plenty of cash in order to keep this type of woman quiet and happy.
The Woman With Financial Woes
This type of woman is different from the woman with a gold digging heart. A woman with financial woes is different from the woman with a gold digging heart because she really needs for her bills to be paid by someone else. For whatever reasons, she does not have a valid cash source and needs the cheating man to help. This type of woman can be found on all different levels and at many different stages in life.
1. It could be a wife that doesn't have any other options financially. How is she going to take care of the children without her cheating husband’s help? She may have been a stay at home wife for many years and does not have any other source of income. She is not capable of stepping out on her own and becoming the head of household at this point in time. A cheating man knows that as long as his wife or girlfriend doesn’t have an income, he can continue his cheating lifestyle.
2. It could be the single woman that a married man deals with occasionally. He knows that he can cheat on this woman because after all she isn’t his wife or committed partner. He gives her a few dollars to pay her light bill, telephone bill or rent. She can’t ask any questions and she can’t make any demands. She knew his marital status from the very beginning. However, a cheating unfaithful man knows that she is available for a continuous affair…as long as he throws her a few dollars every now and then.

The Woman With Desperation In Her Eyes
This type of woman might be confused with the woman with low self esteem; however, there is a difference between the two types of women. A woman with desperation in her eyes does not expect anything from a cheating man. She does not demand that he is faithful to her. She does not threaten to leave when she finds out about his other affairs. Why? This is because she is just appreciate and content to have a warm body in her bed. Any type of man can recognize this type of woman a mile away. It’s just that the cheating man is usually the one that takes advantage of it.
At least a woman with low self esteem will demand that her man is faithful and will threaten to leave when she finds out about his other women. Unfortunately, she doesn’t have enough confidence in herself to backup her threats. On the flip side, a desperate woman does nothing, but waits for the next time that she is able to see and be near her cheating man.
So you see? It isn’t hard for a cheating man to pick his women. They are out there. They exist in every form, stage and level of life. Just try not to be one of these women. There isn’t any particular way for a cheating man to find them. Each woman is different and provides the capability to see into the inner workings of her life. It is from this experience that a cheating man is able to pick his women.
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