Faithful Again?

So, your cheating unfaithful man has promised to be faithful again.  After everything that you and your man have experienced together, you never thought that you would have to ask him to be faithful to you again.  You always thought that this was a given in any committed relationship.  However, your cheating man obviously had other thoughts about your committed relationship.

Do you believe him? 

In order for your relationship to work, you must be able to believe him when he says that he is going to be faithful to you.  If you don't believe him, then you will not be able to go forward in your relationship.  Unfortunately, believing him does not mean that you are going to continue going through his personal belongings looking for signs of his cheating behavior.  You can't continue to sneak around trying to catch him cheating.  Both you and he know that he cheats.  That is not the point anymore. He's been busted.  You and your cheating man are trying to rebuild your relationship.  Now, it is time to move forward.  You can only do this if you believe that he is going to be faithful to you.

Do you really think that he is capable of being faithful again? 

After you confronted him about his cheating, you should have questioned him about his cheating behavior.  If you are willing to rebuild your relationship, then you must have gotten some type of positive vibes that made you want to continue your relationship with this man.  Once you got the details of the cheating at hand, obviously you got a good feeling that your man should be given one more chance.  Hopefully, this means that you do think that he is capable of being faithful to you again. Don't be fooled by kind words and rehearsed actions of kindness.  Dig deep within your heart.  Don't go back into this relationship if you don't think that he is capable of being faithful again.

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