Are you going to call your lying cheater's bluff? He continues to tell the most disturbing lies. You still don't have the exact proof that you need to prove that he is cheating, but you do have a powerful weapon. Use your creativity and make him sweat!
Many times a cheater will tell a lie knowing that you won't take the extra steps to research his lie. You are either too scared to lose him, too embarrassed to be in your situation or just too tired of dealing with his cheating games. Turn this situation around.....if only for a little while. Make him sweat!
Remember that stupid lie that he told you when you found a woman's phone number in his car? Do you remember that amazing explanation that he gave for this piece of paper being in his car? He didn't know how it got there. According to your lying cheating man, he drove a few of his co-workers to lunch. He thinks that maybe this number fell out of one of their pockets. Oh really now? Uhmmmm! Let's just dig a little deeper.
Actually, its quite brilliant on his part. It is an example of a perfect lie. Why? That's because he knows that you won't or can't research it. How could you possibly do so? Usually, anything work-related is very hard to confirm. He knows that you won't call his co-worker and ask if a number fell out of his or her pocket. That would just be down right petty on your part. This would surely put him in office gossip hell for eternity.
Besides, he may not be your favorite person right about now, but he is still yours. You don't want to do anything that will jeopardize his not being able to pay the bills. Don't spoil his one good remaining quality. However, you could do a little psychological damage. Do it at his next company outing.
During the next company outing, seek out those so called lunch buddies and start a "friendly" conversation with each and every last one of them. Make sure that your cheating man hears your conversations. The more lunch buddies, the more opportunities that you have to make him nauseous. Use them wisely! Talk to each lunch buddy and guide the conversations toward the topics of " lunch" and stories of "driving lunch buddies to work and the funny coincidental things that happen along the way." Laugh and smile the whole time that you are doing it.
This course of action might seem petty and childish. Yep! It is, but you will gain a lot of information from doing it. Your cheater is standing right beside you and he doesn't know if, when or how you are going to divulge his little lie about the missing in action phone number. Because at this point, you could do so by mentioning ever so lightly about how you are always leaving things in your co-workers' cars. End the sentence with a "Has this ever happened to you? At this point, watch your lying cheating man's body language and facial expressions. What do you see? He should be sweating bullets right about now. He knows that he's been busted......literally!
Yep! He might even try to play the role of a cool cucumber, but continue your little game until you get a reaction out of him. Make him think that you are going for the jugular and get the information that you need to catch him in his lie. Of course, you know that you won't get any useful information from his co-workers, but you will have at least called your lying cheater's bluff.
That is the goal of this little game. And yes, this scenario may seem a little far fetched. But, think about it! It's no more far fetched than those great big fat lies that your cheating man is always telling you. The bottom line is that he needs to be taught a lesson. Sometimes you have to take very extreme measures in order to get your point across. However, if your cheating unfaithful man is going to take you on the worst thrill ride of your life, be nice nasty and return the favor.
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