Can your cheater give up his mistress? Is he willing to move on and forget about his other woman? There is only one answer to this and that is only time will tell.
Your cheater could very well say "Yes, I am going to forget about her and stay in our relationship." However, you won't really know if your cheating unfaithful man is able to do this until he actually proves it. Unfortunately, this will take a little time. You see, if the two of you are still trying to put things back together, then you have to know why it came apart to begin with. Why did he cheat? What triggered him to cheat? How do you know that he won't fall to the same triggers in the near future or for that matter...ever again? Yes, everything has to run the course of time.
What if he started cheating because he felt like the sex with you wasn't steamy enough? What happens that first time that you fail to satisfy him in the future? Is he going to go and get a "fix" from his other woman? Can your cheater give up his mistress?
What if he started cheating because he felt insecure and needed another woman to validate his manhood? What happens that first time that you fail to give him your undivided attention ? Is he going to go to her so that she can dote all over him? Can your cheater give up his mistress?
What if he started cheating because he just wanted something new on the side? What happens in the future when he feels like he has finally regained your trust and wants something newer on the side? Can your cheater give up his mistress?
Have your honestly considered all of these possible scenarios? Unfortunately, these are not the only worst case scenarios. What if your man's other woman is a low self esteemed wench who will never move on with her life because she has no morals and can't do any better. Will this affect you? Of course it will. Your cheating man knows that she will always be there. She's an easy catch because she is a low life with low standards. She will always be available.....if he decides to slip up in the future.
How do you handle this? You need to know what made him cheat in the first place. You need to know exactly what made him run to her. If he is not able to confide with you about this topic, then you are wasting your time on a possible reconciliation. If your cheater cannot be honest with you, then you are wasting your time. Let me repeat this! If your cheater cannot be honest with you, then you are wasting your time. Is this sinking in?
The bottom line is you and your unfaithful man will have to talk about what triggered his cheating ways. Then, you will have to develop a plan for preventing future affairs. In addition, you will discuss the consequences of these future affairs.
Finally, you are going to have to wait and see if the strategy works. Can your cheater give up his mistress? Yeah, Yeah, Yeah.....I know what you are thinking. You want to give him an ultimatum and say "It's me or her," but the the truth is... he is going to tell you what you want to hear and do what you tell him until and if he he starts cheating again.
So, can your cheater give up his mistress? The correct answer is " only time will tell."
1 comment:
Welcome....You will get through this!
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