Didn't You Know| He's Cheating

Should you have known that he was a cheating unfaithful man? Well, yes and no. This is a trick question. A cheating man wants his woman to believe that he is above cheating and would never cheat on you.

So what does he do? He does everything possible to lull you into a false sense of security. He gives you the nice home, fully loaded SUV, credit cards, expensive gifts, all of his phone numbers and even control of his wallet. You think that you have him wrapped around your little finger. Wrong darling. He has you right where he wants you!

His plan isn't elaborate. Many would say that he is "taking care of home." You know, the typical husband duties such as paying the bills, maintaining the yard,taking out the trash, washing the cars, killing flies and all of those other masculine duties that you hate. There isn't anything wrong with the plan. Actually, it's quite brilliant. If he makes sure that you're happy, then you'll stay out of his hair.

His plan fits right into having the perfect family life. Everyone is happy. You are happy. The kids are happy. And yes, he is really happy. He gets to have his cake and eat it too...as the saying goes. He is cheating on you everyday all of the time and you don’t even realize it…yet.

His plan is to keep you happy so that you don't suspect him of cheating. As a result, this gives him more time and freedom to cheat. If you aren't suspicious, you won't check up on him. You let your guard down. Is your man cheating? This never crosses your mind. You are happy, oblivious
and blinded by love. You never see it coming.

Sadly, some women know the strategy, but choose to look the other way. Their mentality is "as long as he is taking care of home, I don't care what his is doing." Personally, I think that this is a safety mechanism. They say this in order to protect their feelings. Basically, they are in denial. A cheating man likes the type of woman that will let him cheat.

However, for the majority of you women who were not aware of the plan and let your guard down, don't beat yourself up. Many smart cheaters use this strategy to their advantage. It works better for the man who cheats long term. It involves taking care of home, but also playing footsies with the other woman on the side. Its the same strategy, but with different players.

1 comment:

Main Account said...

Welcome...You will get through this!

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